Paul is the Chair of the Board of Trustees and brings a wealth of experience in sustainability leadership and development. Paul was attracted to Bore Place as he shares its commitment to exploring sustainable ways of living, connecting people with nature and encouraging young people to engage with the countryside.
After holding senior positions at the Lloyds Banking Group, Paul later became its first Sustainable Development Director, before taking on a role with responsibility for business ethics, vulnerable customers, ‘green economy’, third sector partnerships and social entrepreneurship, working closely with the bank’s board, investors, the government, key suppliers as well as corporate clients. He was also interim CEO of the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales.
Paul has also been a Senior Associate and Academic Tutor at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, the Deputy Chairman of the London Sustainable Development Commission, and an elected member of the steering group of the UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative. He is also a graduate of the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program.
As well as currently being the Chair, Paul also sits on the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee.